Hello friends…
In the last blog I talked about WHY to set goals.
To recap., setting goals gives us direction, purpose and enthusiasm for our day-to-day activities. Goals promotes a sense of vitality within us and ultimately JOY. Check it out here: https://www.garyforeman.me/goals.
Many times, we humans feel like we as individuals are not in control. We feel helpless, and sometimes hopeless about things like government, environmental issues, big business, financial issues, health concerns and other things around us that influence us on a daily basis. We may even have a sense of hopelessness.
This is completely understandable. This is the contrast that we must endure occasionally and learn from. Eckhart Tolle says it best in my opinion: “this is not your life, this is your life situation”. Whenever these feelings arise, BE with those feelings. Do NOT suppress, deny, or avoid the way you feel about what’s happening. Know that goals and direction are still possible! AND, creating a purpose and destination gives us back that control over our lives that we feel has been taken away from us. Complete faith that these goals can be realized in a completely NEW and UNIQUE way than ever before will give us a sense of peace and possibility. We must do our best to be creative and know that all things are possible. We can sit quietly and dream big, then take action. If we can adapt to charge and really be at peace with it, we will not only survive but thrive! Sometimes having have NO expectations of HOW things are going to come is even more liberating. We don’t know what the sequence of events will look like. We’ll just have to say yes to certain small steps, that are put before us. THIS IS HUGE! What an opportunity. Organizing your goals might take some time, but it is time well spent. Your purpose will evolve and your mental anguish will diminish.
Get your computer word doc ready, or some blank notebook paper and pen out. Here we go!!
1) Make a long list of your talents, skills, assets, passions and interests. Write down things you know of quickly and easily. Do not try to organize these in any way yet, just write! I placed a form of this step in my blog entitled Stress: click here to read this; https://www.garyforeman.me/stress. 1A) In order to collect more of your skills, enlist the help of a friend. Make it a game that they will easily help you play. Ask them what THEY think your assets are. They will come up with things that you take for granted or would never dream were YOUR skills. It will be fun and my guess is they will be happy to play along. This may take a while and that’s OK, take as long as you need. Some goals will start to appear as this list grows … perfect! 1B) Do a google search of other people’s lists. Borrow a word or two from their list that you KNOW applies to YOU! This is a good source. It is perfectly acceptable and a great reminder at a time when too much thought has you mentally numb.
2) Determine what your NEEDS are. We all have needs and needs have to be met. According to one of my favorite sources; “you cannot ignore or unmeet a NEED”. If we start to delay, avoid or put off in any way meeting a need, things start to get a little…OFF. Feelings of discomfort and struggle start to ensue. Some needs are basic to all humans like food, clothing and shelter. After that, human needs begin to be more emotional but no less necessary. These needs are,
* Connection with other humans. Humans are tribal, we need other people to survive.
* a need to feel good. Whatever that means to you without being destructive. The opposite of this is a need to avoid pain and discomfort. This might not be a goal but could be acknowledged in writing somehow. Now, there are some needs that are more specific to each individual. Put that on YOUR list.
3) So now we have skills and talents, etc. combined with needs. I like to start with a folder in my computer labeled GOALS. Then assign a blank word document to various categories of general human needs and then specifically YOUR needs. Things like business/career, relationships, body, spirit, and so on. Mine has a page for auto, a page for home and a page for FUN. Customize your pages! All these words are signposts really and are designed to give you a mental image. I use the computer and word DOC so you can edit easily.
This is the beginning of a great goals folder. Remember from the previous blog, goals will need to be supported by tasks, (actions) and other details. Now some planning is involved. Some tasks might appear in the goals folder on category pages and some might only appear on your daily task list or calendar. Your daily tasks will support your larger goals, visions and eventually your purpose. You will feel good knowing that distractions are less, and you are shifting away from any procrastination. You are taking control of things that you once thought were out of your control. You will be less apt to settle into any coping mechanisms to avoid any of the emotional pain of no real direction. If you have come this far you now have momentum.
Review your goals folder daily to start, then frequently and always upon any new inspiration. Revise your process, review and edit as you go along. This revision could be a new goal based on your inspiration, a word or statement of clarification, or any other edit that makes the goal clear and positive. The key is consistency.
Even if you have nothing to add or edit, reviewing your goals will give you the mental images needed for your subconscious mind to know that what you are seeing and feeling is real. It is already here and just a matter of time before it shows up in the physical.
During this process of dreaming, writing and reviewing, more people circumstances, and resources show up to provide what is needed. The perfect business space becomes suddenly available. You tap into a substantial demographic that uses your product or service. The partner you have always wanted arrives as if from nowhere, or I like to say, everywhere!
Above all make this process your own. Be creative, express yourself, dream big, and be organized. BUT, avoid crossing the line into compulsion. Compulsion is a mental and physical energy that constricts and slows the flow of positive results. At some point close everything and let the synchronicities happen!